The peaceful unity of all Wing Chun lineages according to Grand Master Ip Man's wish to see each other as one family.
The Chinese characters under the double knives:
Wing Chun in Chinese.
The triangle:
Symbolizes the basic structure of the Wing Chun system.
The symbol on the left is also called the "Wheel of Doctrine":
Is the official symbol for Buddhism and shows its influence on Wing Chun.
The right symbol, which means "water":
Symbolizes Confucianism and its influence on Wing Chun.
The "Ying Yang":
Symbolizes Taoism and its influence on Wing Chun.
The Ying Yang symbol also stands as a harmonious union of all the teachings contained in Wing Chun and therefore at the tip of the triangle:
Ultimately the highest philosophical goal in Wing Chun or life.
The logo is subject to worldwide copyright protection and is protected. Any use not guaranteed in writing by Abbot Chi Sim or the association will be prosecuted under both criminal and civil law!
The spread of the original Wing Chun system in the west is the goal of the TCWCO (Tao Chan Wing Chun Organization), which was founded by Grand Master Abbot Chi Sim.
The TCWCO is divided as follows:
ITCWCO(International Tao Chan Wing Chun Organization)
based in Hong Kong as a world umbrella organization
ETCWCO(European Tao Chan Wing Chun Organization)
based in Nuremberg
The TCWCO does not depend on any financial income from students, advertising associations, press or sales and therefore acts independently. It is not subject to any instructions from other associations, neither Chinese nor international Wing Chun associations.
This is due to a promise that Grand Master Ab Chi Sim gave his friend, the last descendant of Confucius in 2001, Prof. Dr. Kong Teh-Cheng has given to spread the real Chinese culture in the west and the promise to his teacher Prof. Dr. Ip Chun, to defend the real Wing Chun also in the West against all odds.
Unlike the usual Wing Chun schools in Germany, Abbot Chi Sim integrates Chinese culture and ethics into both the teaching methodology and the graduation system, which are strongly influenced by Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.