Tao Chan Wing Chun graduation system of the Tao Chan Wing Chun School Augsburg:
Originally there was no graduation system in Kung Fu. The teacher always kept an eye on the number of students with regard to the subject matter. However, this would be very complicated in today's schools, as well as in the Tao Chan Wing Chun Augsburg school.
Nowadays it is unthinkable that a single teacher can memorize the teaching status of hundreds of students. As a result, the old teaching system, as with 10 students who lived with the master in ancient China, cannot be used for over 100 students in the West.
That is why we use a graduation system at the Tao Chan Wing Chun Augsburg school, so that a targeted training can take place depending on the graduation with the appropriate examination and a high quality is achieved.
In the Tao Chan Wing Chun organization there is a family hierarchy, just like in the Tao Chan Wing Chun Augsburg school.
This results from the length of membership, which means that a student who has entered before is the older Kung Fu brother (Si-Hing = older Kung Fu brother) and the teacher, as far as he is a Sifu (teacher), is a "Sifu", fatherly Teacher / master who should not be confused with a "trainer" like in the fitness studio.
Below are the levels for student and teacher degrees in the Tao Chan Wing Chun Augsburg school: