Wing Chun Augsburg
General information about Wing Chun
About the Tao Chan Wing Chun
Die Tao Chan Wing Chun Organization
Graduation system
About Si-Hing Günbay
Abt Chi Sim
Grand Master Prof. Dr. Ip Chun
Wing Tsun Augsburg
Kung Fu Augsburg
Self-defense Augsburg
Martial arts Augsburg
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Wing Chun Augsburg
General information about Wing Chun
About the Tao Chan Wing Chun
Die Tao Chan Wing Chun Organization
Graduation system
About Si-Hing Günbay
Abt Chi Sim
Grand Master Prof. Dr. Ip Chun
Wing Tsun Augsburg
Kung Fu Augsburg
Self-defense Augsburg
Martial arts Augsburg
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Tao Chan Wing Chun Augsburg
Kung Fu Augsburg
Kung Fu Augsburg
What is "Kung Fu"? Explained by the Tao Chan Wing Chun School Augsburg
Differences can be found between northern and southern styles, which are often presented in patterns of movement or in their form of expression. Tao Chan Wing Chun, also as it is taught in Augsburg, belongs to the southern Kung Fu styles, the acrobatics of which was reduced and thus developed with a focus on effectiveness. In Kung Fu there are different styles such as B. the monkey style, the snake, crane, tiger, dragon etc. The term Kung Fu translated means something like "hard work" and describes exactly what is necessary to learn such an art - through hard work Work. So it takes time, effort and discipline. Traditional training is usually strict and demanding, which is why will, patience and perseverance play a major role in addition to discipline in order to acquire higher skills or abilities. The Tao Chan Wing Chun in Augsburg is based on these values.
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Kung Fu in Augsburg
The Tao Chan Wing Chun in Augsburg is not designed to create beautiful acrobatics as is usual in Shaolin Kung Fu, or, as in many other schools, purely mechanical, or focused on force-based techniques, but the Tao Chan Wing Chun - effectively and effectively to teach. Unlike in Shaolin Kung Fu, there are no high kicks or jumps in Tao Chan Wing Chun, since according to the theory of Tao Chan Wing Chun Kung Fu, there is otherwise a disadvantage in terms of balance, for example. Also the Tao Chan Wing Chun Kung Fu that we practice in Augsburg is not designed for (muscle) strength because according to the traditional theory of Kung Fu, softness overcomes the strong. Kung Fu in Augsburg - Tao Chan Wing Chun
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